HerStory, The Book…
A feminine interpretation of ancient knowledge, by Rev. Laura Tria
Twenty years in the making… this is a light uet intriguing story that will allow women to rediscover the origins of their feminine gender. Perfectly timed for new age spirituality, it offers a foundadtion for creating a more visceral way of connecting to spirit and the natural world that surrounds us.
“HerStory is impacting and powerful and it is a book that I cannot recommend enough.” …Alysia X.
“As I began reading HerStory I immediately felt at home. Laura writes as she speaks. Authentic, flowing, filled with passion, captivating.” …Carol P.
“For years I struggled with many emotions and frequently doubted my inner thoughts and feelings. I wondered what was “wrong” with me. After reading this beautifully written book, I realized there is nothing wrong with me. My life experiences have now been given a name, have been defined and are part of a woman’s natural cycle. Thank you for writing this book which has opened a whole new world for me. With gratitude.” …Corinne C
“Wonderful book! A short and easy read that explains in a peaceful and gentle way the story of the feminine. This book in inspiring, instructional and uplifting as it breaks the barriers between women and allows us to find our strength in connection. This is a much needed perspective and something that I will share with my daughter.”
HerStory belongs to all of us!
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